A visual explanation of the Fenchel-Rockafellar Theorem

Posted by Philipp Wacker on September 28, 2018

You can try out the controls on the following silly example.

Recipe for scrambled eggs.
Take eggs and scramble them.

We record the statement of the theorem for convenience.

Let \(\phi,\psi: E\to \mathbb R\cup \{+\infty\}\) be functions. Then the following weak duality holds: \[\inf_{x\in E}\{\phi(x) + \psi(x)\} \geq \sup_{f\in E^*}\{-\phi^*(f)-\psi^*(-f)\}.\] Assume now that \(\phi, \psi\) are convex functions and that there is a \(x_0\in D(\phi)\cap D(\psi)\) such that \(\phi\) is continuous at \(x_0\). Then

  1. \(\inf_{x\in E}\{\phi(x) + \psi(x)\} = \sup_{f\in E^*}\{-\phi^*(f)-\psi^*(-f)\}\). This phenomenon is called strong duality.
  2. The \(\sup\) on the right hand side is actually a \(\max\), i.e. there is a function \(g\in E^*\) such that the equality \[ \sup_{f\in E^*}\{-\phi^*(f)-\psi^*(-f)\} = -\phi^*(g)-\psi^*(-g)\] holds